Urban Forest Benefits
Year 1
One 3" diameter tree will...
Reduce 30 lbs. of CO2
Conserve 8 kWh.
Intercept 40 gal. of stormwater

saved per year
Year 10
One 8" diameter tree will...
Reduce 165 lbs. of CO2
Conserve 44 kWh.
Intercept 273 gal. of stormwater

saved per year
Year 30
One 18" diameter tree will...
Reduce 754 lbs. of CO2
Conserve 193 kWh.
Intercept 1,494 gal. of stormwater

saved per year
Numbers derived from the National Tree Benefits Calculator, developed by Casey tree & Davey Tree Expert Co. Based on an oak tree in a large commercial business land-use type in the Interior West Climate Zone.
Overall benefit (i.e. saving per year) is the sum of benefits provided by 500 within the respective size class.

By the Numbers

$5.82 ROI
increase in income for businesses on tree lined streets
As much as $5.82 ROI for every $1 invested in urban forestry
decrease in crime with a 10% increase in tree canopy coverage

decrease in ozone for every 10% increase in tree canopy
cooler temperatures are felt when walking under tree canopied streets.
reduction in particulates from car exhaust fumes on streets lined with trees.

Help Beautify Downtown Properties for the Benefit of All
A healthy urban forest is an indicator of a robust economy, a driver of positive mental and physical wellness, and a sign of environmental resiliency. A donation to the Urban Forest Initiative is an investment for tomorrow, for the future of our downtown, to make this city that we all love a little bit better, and greener, for generations to come.

"Right away we knew building an urban forest was the project that would make a real impact on improving the quality of life in Downtown Denver"
- Raju Patel
Denver President,
Bank of America

"This could be an investment that pays big dividends to our children and grandchildren for many years to come"
- Mike Zoellner
Managing Partner,
ZF Capital